Bikram Mira Mesa
9:00 AM w/ Amy
Friday 7/23/10
Home Practice - Shiva Rea (41 min)
Saturday 7/24/10
Well after several stops and starts I am *finally* back to daily yoga practice. Guess that the move has been a bigger adjustment than I anticipated. I was so spoiled having a Bikram Studio that was a 5 min drive and a 15 min walk from my house in Hawaii. Now the closest one takes me 20-30 to get to. But regardless, that's not an excuse not to go.
I signed up for the 2 weeks unlimited for $50 at the Mira Mesa studio and I am going to try to make it to at least 8 classes. My goal is to do Bikram 4 days per week and then mix it up with different yoga dvd's at home on the other alternating days. I like the Mira Mesa studio but Kearney Mesa is closer and offers more classes - so that's where I'll probably be going long term. I also really liked the La Jolla studio but it's kind of a pain getting there. Oh well. We shall see how things go over the next 12 days or so.
I am very glad to be getting back into the swing of things.
RFR: Day Nine
14 years ago