Friday, April 17, 2009

Bikram Kaimuki - class #81
Thursday 6:30 pm

Bikram Kaimuki - class #82
Friday 6:30 pm w/ Michele

So last night I high-tailed it over to the studio early cause Jeremy was supposed to be teaching and it was actually the teacher I don't really like instead. I was a little bummed but powered through the class anyway. Then tonight I thought I'd have her again cause she was listed on the online schedule; but was pleasantly surprised when I arrived to find that Michele was teaching. Both classes were HOT and CROWDED. And it doesn't help that the weather has started to get really humid here. Summer is definitely on its way.

It's weird, since taking off for several days I almost feel like I'm starting over or something. The room feels hotter, although I am able to make it through class with more composure in spite of the fact that I'm suffering. I'm getting the lower back pinch that I have to work through again. My triangle and camel have backslid a lot so that I cannot hold the full time in either set of the postures. But my toe stand is getting better. The last 2 classes I was actually able to touch the floor with both hands while keeping my standing knee straight. Bending down into the full expression is another story, but this is progress nonetheless. My separate leg stretching on the floor has gotten better, too. I can now straighten my knee on both sides while keeping my head firmly planted on my knee.

I have been on green smoothies for 3 days now. But really I've just been having them for breakfast so far and then making a fresh veggie-based juice in place of an evening meal. All I can say is WOW. I have so much energy and without a drop of coffee(!!) I feel alert and focused all day and really conscious of my food choices. Besides that I've lost 7.5 pounds in just 3 days(!!!) And I am not even following the green smoothie challenge to the letter. I feel like I have finally found the magic bullet: whole foods and yoga are an amazing combination for getting healthy from the inside out.

It's late and I am pretty beat so I will sign off for now. Hope every one is doing well in their own challenges/practices/trials & tribulations/etc...

Aloha, Namaste, & Goodnight!


  1. Good luck with everything. In March I began to do a lot of Bikram and eat whole foods at the same time. (I did 100 Bikrams in 2008 but didn't lose any weight - I had the same ole' (bad) diet.) I also didn't follow the challenge to the letter - I did 28 out of 31 in March and really worked hard to fix lots of veggies and juice a lot of veggies.

    Man. I lost so much weight it's insane. I was 45 lbs over weight (250 - and in March I lost 30 pounds. Since them I've lost another 5 and I think I can knock out the rest here pretty quick.

    So I wanted to encourage you to keep up the diet/yoga combo because it is working for me big time. Also, don't feel bad when you break down on either just get back in the room or get the juicer out!

    All the best

  2. Thanks Martin,

    I appreciate your comments. It's nice to know that someone else has had great success w/ the whole foods/Bikram combo. ;))
