Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Green Smoothie Experiment

Well I have decided to begin the Green Smoothie Challenge recommended by Green Smoothie Girl. Or at least a modified version for right now. This is an experiment to determine the combined effects of Bikram Yoga and a living foods lifestyle. I have been toying with the idea of going raw for a while now and this seems like a doable step in that direction. Go to the website to read more and to sign up for her email newsletter: http://www.greensmoothiegirl.com/weightloss.html

Because I'd like to reserve this blog for yoga and related insights, moving forward I will be documenting my food choices and weight loss progress on my "Raw Mana" blog. (http://ellen96816.blogspot.com/) I am sure there will be a little crossover but I invite anyone who is interested to read about the fine details there. ;))

No yoga for me for for the last couple of days. I swam Sunday and then felt a migraine headache coming on in the late afternoon. I was able to cut it off w/ Excedrin Migraine very shortly after it started, but was still left with a tension headache for the rest of the evening. Then yesterday night I had a friend's birthday dinner so I skipped yoga again. Now I'm feeling a little bit hung over from drinking a bit too much wine so I'm not going to make it today either.

Boy I sure am piling up the excuses. One just seems to snowball into another. Tomorrow I must re-group and get myself back on track. I still may to try to make it to 110 classes before I leave. Which would require doing a few doubles (4) to make up for the days I'll be travelling. We shall see.


  1. Please put a prominent link to your Raw Mana blog on this page. It would be even better if you added some kind of blog roll.

    Don't stress too much about missing some time. In terms of yoga time, a few days is nothing at all, so long as the zeal to improve yourself is still there.

  2. Thanks Duffy! Your kind words are much appreciated. And I will add the link to this post right now.
